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Important wiring instruction for split phase inverter chargers with floating neutral

Important wiring instruction for split phase inverter chargers with floating neutral

Important wiring instruction for split phase inverter chargers with floating neutral

You may have come across the terms “floating” and “bonded” neutral. While they sound obscure to most people knowing little about electrical engineering, they are an important factor when hooking up inverter chargers.

For Sigineer Power’s split phase inverter chargers, they are NOT UL1741 listed, the output floating neutral is NOT bonded with the ground.

It MUST be separated from the earth ground.

The NEC calls this a “Floating Neutral” and “Isolated Grounds” on the Load Panels.

This is can be facilitated by removing the green bonding screw from the load panels and then Isolating all the neutrals (White Wires) to the neutral bar and then Isolating all the ground wires (Bare Copper Ground Wires) to the Isolated Ground Buss-Bar when this bonding screw is removed.

In most residential wiring systems in the USA, there is just a single service panel that acts as a combination Service Panel/Load Center. Residential Master electricians Bond The Neutral Bar to the Case which is earth grounded with this Green Screw. This configuration works fine for a single combination Service/Load panel as the Neutral and Ground wires are treated as the same. It simplifies wire hookup with Grounds and Neutrals.

Commercial Master Electricians know how to Float the Neutrals on their Load Centers by removing these Green Bonding Ground Screws. If the proper floating neutral isn’t performed concerning Load panels this will facilitate a feedback loop to the mains service panel which will heat up the Mains In Lines Buss-Bar wasting energy and possibly resulting in a Fire.

When utilizing emergency generators this practice of Floating The Neutrals and Isolating the earth ground is very important for the same reason.

Any misjudgment can be very dangerous.

Inverter failure caused by bonded neutral with the ground void the manufacturer’s warranty.

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